From the biggest ideas to the smallest details

Our Services

​​​​​​Deal Shaper provides a range of consulting services to support business development, pre-sales, qualification and sales activities. 

We focus on shaping major deals for IT solutions and services, across all market sectors.

What makes us different? 

  • We focus on content, where other consultancies focus on the process
  • We can be "part of the solution" where you need us to be: we don't just identify "the problem".

We can lead or support activities throughout the lifecycle, such as win theme and messaging development workshops, qualification, team mentoring and development, executive summary drafting and presentation preparation.

We work with our clients in a variety of ways, from workshops through drafting to reviews and role-plays. Our terms of business are flexible to ensure we align with our clients' objectives.

    ​Contact Deal Shaper today to explore how we can help you shape better deals and win better business.​